Recent Projects
Interim Executive Directorship
2022-23: Reading Between the Lines program in jails and halfway houses
2020: Care for Real food pantry
2019: The Lilac Tree Resource Center services for divorcing women
2018: Open Communities fair housing agency
Use of High-Skills Volunteers
ACLU of Illinois
Alternatives, Inc.
Planned Parenthood of Illinois
Board Development
ACT Charter School
Alianza Leadership Institute
The Guild Complex
Major Gifts Fundraising
UCP Seguin
Strategic Planning Counsel and Facilitation
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Christel House International
LINK Unlimited
Oak Leyden Developmental Services
Personal PAC
Woodstock Mozart Festival
Organizational Development
Chicago Composers’ Forum: structure
Crossroads Fund: communications
H.O.M.E. (Housing Opportunities and Maintenance for the Elderly): marketing and programs
Hope Institute for Children & Families: fundraising and state program compliance
John Howard Association: Executive coaching
Marron Institute, New York University: Project management
BOTEC Analysis, Los Angeles: Public policy research and writing